Launch Party Recap

By | July 1, 2011


Benita speaking to the audience

I have been hyping it for weeks, and yesterday, the launch party finally took place! It was a great afternoon, and if you weren’t there, you really did miss out (but if you are a senior or a teen, you can still come to the classes starting on July 13th.)

The launch party was wonderful–a great array of people presenting through different mediums. There were representatives of the library and AARP as well as many people from our own team and the The Best Day Of My Life So Far class. Read more »

Come to the launch party!

By | June 28, 2011


I’ve been counting down to this day for weeks, and now it is less than 24 hours away! This will be a great beginning to a great project; you won’t want to miss this event!

It will be a day to remember. Bring your friends, and tell your friends to bring their friends! And, hey, you’ll be able to see Brendan’s video on the big screen!

Sneak Peek!

By | June 23, 2011


I am sure that if you are reading this blog, you already know about our launch party coming up in 6 days! Brendan, an Our Best Day So Far co-leader, prepared this video for Wednesday’s event. The video is just a preview of what will be an awesome launch party and some great classes that will follow.

So come to the event, and I can say that it will be our best day so far.


By | June 19, 2011


Last week I showed all of you a interview with the future Our Best Day So Far class co-leaders, and this week I interviewed someone behind the scenes…Emily Antoszyk! Emily has been helping me out with blogging from the beginning of my internship and basically acting as my support system throughout this whole process. She is a key component of both Our Best Day So Far and The Best Day Of My Life So Far and an excellent interviewee. Read more »

The Co-Leaders!

By | June 8, 2011


Last week I briefly introduced you to the people behind the project, and this week I would like to spotlight the co-leaders for the Our Best Day So Far class over the summer. So, I asked Amy Henson and Brendan O’Hara some questions! Read more »

The People Behind the Project

By | May 31, 2011


On the Sunday before last, I finally got to meet many of the people working behind the scenes on this project.

People starting at front left, clockwise: Emily Antoszyk, Diane Menio, Ashley Humienny, Brendan O'Hara, Madi Garvin (me), Benita Cooper, Dee Reichle, and Jonathan Marcin.

Amy Henson (center). Amy isn't visible in the group picture above, so I thought I'd provide this one for reference.

A large portion of the get-together was spent on introductions and getting to know each other better. I barely knew many of these people before the meeting so I’ll introduce them to you. Read more »

My Grandparents

By | May 12, 2011


I have written five blog posts already, and I have now realized that I have not given a formal introduction of myself!

Well, here are the basics: My name is Madi Garvin and I am sixteen years old. I am finishing up the tenth grade at Cheltenham High School. I love gardening, learning, and sleeping. Read more »

A Motherly Post

By | May 5, 2011


Mother’s Day is approaching and, in honor of this holiday, I asked my mom how and why she became involved with, and even made it her job to help senior citizens. This is what she told me: Read more »

Teens’ Opinions of Seniors

By | April 28, 2011


Today at my high school, I asked several sophomores about their thoughts on seniors and why they felt this way. What I noticed is that when I asked why, most of them did not have a reason and replied, “I don’t know.”

My question was “what is your perception of seniors?”, but it quickly evolved to “what is your perception of old people?”, because being in high school, they assumed I was talking about twelfth graders.

Another thing I noticed was that there were many patterns. Read more »

Not Sweating the Small Stuff

By | April 21, 2011


In my last post, I wrote about the long and short term challenges that arise. Now I have come to evaluate these challenges, and what seemed like such daunting tasks in the past are in fact just small bumps in the road.

Yesterday I had my first surgery. For months beforehand I would stress out about the surgery and the results. Now all I see it as is just two hours in my life that I can’t say I even experienced because of the anesthesia! It helped me realize that I have to stop wasting my time dreading things that aren’t really that bad, in fact, the operation was to my benefit. Read more »